Sunday, 22 February 2009


In a fit of boredom, I started re-reading my own posts. Didn't take too long since there weren't many to begin with.

I'm not one of those people who feel urges to write, who HAVE to write, or something would happen to them, like getting committed or something. These people write great stuff and it all reads so naturally. Further, I do not think my command of the English language is all that great, and I make silly grammatical mistakes now and then. I thought my posts would most likely sound stilted and contrived.

Well, I was pleasantly surprised. No, my posts would never qualify for Pulitzer or what have you, but they don't read too badly. They me. Sometimes, the humour even comes through. SB, whom I consider a passable literary critic (ok, she did literature in junior college and I didn't) thinks I write fine, except for the boring technical jargon on mahjong, which puts her to sleep. She actually reads my blog regularly, minus the mahjong posts. I am gratified.

And labels. Labels give control freaks like me headaches, trying to categorise each and every post just so. I have relabelled my posts for the third time, and I guess it is not going to stop there. Good luck when my post count starts hitting the hundreds.

And there you are. One more post for the record. What shall I label this one?

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