Wednesday 28 April 2010


I have started taking buses in the mornings again.

Part of the reason is cost driven of course. Blame it on the slew of “Get out of debt” blogs that I fell into while surfing the internet last weekend. Not that I have any debt (that I know of). But saving more money (to spend on other useless stuff) is always good.

The other part of the reason is that I am fed up with the cabbies. It used to be that I could step out of the house and be in a cab in two minutes. For some reason, the cabs started drying up in the area where I was waiting (at 6 am in the morning!!) in the last few weeks. Any rare cabs that pass by were either “Busy”, “Hired” or they simply just passed me by without stopping. After one morning wait of 20 minutes, I decided enough was enough.

If I had to stress myself so early in the morning with public transport either way, I would rather be paying three bucks than seventeen bucks doing it.

So that was three days ago, and I am surviving. Sure I need deep breathing exercises every morning to keep a zen mind if the bus service happens not to be on time, but I am doing pretty well not stressing up. Thinking about the extra money in the bank helps a lot.

On a side note, I notice that cabs are in abundance again on my street. The first law of life at work again: When you need something, it is never there. When you don’t need it…..sigh!

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