Sunday, 29 March 2009


I am feeling restless again. And despite the sleepiness that is nudging at me, somehow I don't feel like taking a nap.

This has been happening more frequently lately. It feels like I HAVE to fill every moment of my time with some kind of activity. And yet, whatever I am engaged in, I feel like I want to do something else. No sense of direction. Talk about ADD. I feel like a hyperactive child.

By right, I should harness this "excess" energy into work. I really need to focus on my job at this moment. But once I'm in the office, all I can think of is going home to sleep.

I hate this. I thought I should be more settled and relaxed in life as I get older, but instead I'm getting twitchier. I wonder if all the various lifestyle changes in the past 1-1/2 year has anything to do with what I'm feeling now - like I'm still searching for that elusive SOMETHING. I just can't get settled down, and for a person who values stability and yes, the PLACIDNESS of life over anything else, it is causing me some discomfort.

I am not going crazy yet. It takes more than just random restlessness to drive me up the wall. But oh, it does feel uncomfortable.

Some Valium, anyone?

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