Thursday, 11 February 2010


The department restructuring is still on-going, and the senior managers are still discussing and planning the changes for manpower movement. The rumour mills have never been more active. Everyday, I hear something new. Now that my fate has been decided, I am standing by most eagerly to see who the next casualty(s) is. I regret to say that there is almost a malicious glee in anticipating the next howls or protest from my affected colleages. After all, misery loves company, and I do not see why I should be the lone sufferer of this whole farce.

I still think this whole restructuring is a joke. After all, I was involved in the re-engineering process that gave birth to this re-structuring and I guess I have enough wits about me to see exactly how serious the participants were about the whole process. Frankly, I don't even think the process itself is applicable to the company as a whole, but who am I to say otherwise. This is like watching a trian heading towards a wreck and being able to do nothing abut it.

I never thought I would have a "Dilbert Story" to tell one day. Scott Adams hypothesised in one of his books that a company always promote the least intelligent and most technically handipcapped person to management when given a choice, because you need the good guys to continnue running the show below, and these are the only ones who can be spared. For once, I am feeling the truth of the statement, myself included in one of those unqualified in-duh-viduals who got promoted to a position I was not equipped for.

Maybe I am just being pessimistic. Maybe I don't have that "helicopter view" that all managers need to be equipped with (which kind of reinforces the point above). Maybe it will all work and we would be looking at a whole year's bonus next year. At any rate, this is good entertainment for the time being and the only good part about being the first one to receive the bad news. When one is so down, everything else can only look up. It is also going to give me a really superior feeling to tell those affected guys later that I know how they feel, because, hey! I went through it twice! I mean, look at me, the original victim. Oh, I am so going to play it for all I am worth. I am so bad and that makes me feel really, really good.

Have a happy Chinese New Year?

Oh yeah.....mwahahahaha.....

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