Wednesday, 14 April 2010


Last Sunday, there was a column in the paper about people playing with their phones when they are supposed to be having a face to face conversation with someone.

I can’t tell how many times I have been subjected to this. Some people ask me out for a meal, and spend the whole time SMSing, chatting on the phone with other people, and doing all sorts of what-not, while I have to sit there like a dummy. Or worse, doing those things when I am talking. I knew I lost weight, but I never thought I had become invisible in the process. With the proliferation of smart phones, it gets even worse.

I don’t know what this people are thinking when they do this. But I know what I am thinking. I am thinking that I don’t like being just one of the tasks on the multi-task list. I resent being number two, three or four on the priority list when I have made somebody the top priority for that duration. I don’t play second fiddle to anyone, let alone an inanimate object. If you have got better things to do, then tell me, because, you know, so have I.

It is as bad as being out with a guy who never takes his eyes off other pretty girls the whole time he is with you. So tell me, will I be just as justified in throwing my glass of water in your face?

1 comment:

nouppercase said...

totally get that now. it's not so bad in japan yet, but i am really horrified at how far singaporeans have really taken it.