Sunday, 22 November 2009


All good things come to those who wait. As with everything else, there are always exceptions.

At any rate, despite the less than stellar diagnosis (ok, actually there is still no confirmed diagnosis), things are moving at long last. I get to sample the hospitality of Hotel KKH at the end of the month, the main course on the kitchen table being me. Haha, alright, alright, I'll stop with the morbid allusions for now.

With any luck, I'll be up and about in a month or so, maybe two. Although I wish it takes me a bit longer to recover that. I have no wish to abandon the days of lying in bed with a stack of books and being waited on hand and foot. The only inperfection I can see will be the dietary restrictions, but that is something I can bear with, I guess, if I can have the rest. If it takes me two weeks to get back into grove after a 10 day holiday, imagine how long it will take me to return to a grindstone mindset after a two month break! Just for a little while, I was almost tempted to wish chemo on myself just so I could extend the MC to six months, but it was just for a teeny weeny while. For one thing, my bank account could never stand that kind of drought......

I have been on the receiving end of many, many well wishes, some of which came from sources quite unexpected. And I am really grateful and touched. I am not one of those people who makes and keeps friends easily. There is a natural reserve on my part, and also sheer laziness that keeps me from making the effort to reach out. I used to wonder if I ever featured importantly enough in anyone's life, outside of my own immediate family, that they would say "I wish JT was here" or "Only JT will do." if I ever pass on? Ok, ok, no morbid thoughts.

I feel like a prospective mother waiting for their babies to be born. You know, must build up health, keep happy and optimistic, and calmly wait for the day to arrive. Except of course, this is like the situation in reverse, since it will involve babies who will now never see the light of day (oops, that's more morbidity for you). I don't know if it sounds weird, but I actually feel a sense of anticipation; it is a new experience after all, albeit one that most people could do without. And I'll be lying if I said I am not looking forward to all the pampering that would come after the main event. Haha.

By the way, in case anyone is interested, I like sunflowers and lilies, or yellow/orange gerberas, Love seedless grapes. Hate essence of chicken and other related chinese remedies. Love romance novels, drama, movies, anything with happy endings. This is really shameless, but when better to milk the situation for all it is worth, if not now? Mwahahaha.

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