Friday, 29 January 2010


It is FRIDAY night.

Life is a big rollercoaster because of everything that is happening, and not happening, at work. At 9 am on Wednesday morning, I drafted out one paragragh of my resignation letter, but after a good nap during lunch, I think I can stand to give the bosses another chance to keep me. On Thursday morning, some discussion on a new project goes on, and I think, man, this job is really quite interesting, why'd I want to give it up? The same afternoon, I decided to continue paragraph two of my letter after going through the list of people I could count on if a new project ends up on my desk.

It just struck me that I have worked eight years at this job, and by many standards that is a long time for a first job. They had me write some quotes for the company's 45th (?) anniversary publication and I will have a nice photograph to go with my words. It occurred to me that there might be a chance I would not be around when the book is finally published with my quotes on company spirit and how I enjoyed working there, and the irony amused me for a good while.

Anyway, it is FRIDAY night. The lousy work stuff will keep till Monday, more's the pity. I just had a nice saloon visit, followed by a good dinner. And am now lounging in the air-condition with the Archie comics that I got for SB's birthday/CNY care package. And I repeat, it is FRIDAY night, so for now I am at peace with the world.

Perhaps the dinner should have been less good. I am kind of ashamed at how much I have allowed myself to regain, even taking into account the operation and recovery. So I am struggling to get back on the exercise and diet wagon. But gosh, am I out of shape! Only 25 bodyweight squats on Monday, and I couldn't walk properly until Thursday!

The funny thing is that the same people at work who says I looked really good half a year ago, now says they think I look better plumper. There is this guy who actually told me I looked thinner, just by virtue of the fact that I had been to the hospital and all sick people should look thin. Which confirmed the fact that he never really did LOOK at me. Anyway, I think I have really nice colleagues who are so careful of my feelings. And despite the fact that I know they are not being truthful, I hope they will continue the streak. I appreciate the odd white lie now and then. I don't always believe in honesty being the best policy, and if you can't tell a lie, "silence is golden" works as well. Some times.

And so again, it is FRIDAY night. On Friday nights, I am the eternal optimist and the glass is always half full.

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